Everybody eats when they come to my house...

Cabbage curry (kobi nu sak)

My sister-in-law is a terrific cook. Here is her recipe for cabbage curry. It's surprising, because in many sak recipes, you fry the
masala first, but perhaps because this is dry cooking, this method really does work!

oil to coat pan
1 tsp mustard seed
1/2 cabbage, cut into 1 cm pieces
1 potato, cut into 2 cm cubes

1 tsp ginger, chopped
1 tsp garlic, chopped
1 fresh tomato, cut up fine (you could whir the ginger, garlic and tomato in a food processor)

1tsp salt or to taste
1 tsp tomato paste

heat oil in a medium sized dutch oven on medium heat. Add mustard seeds and fry for a few seconds. Add cabbage and potato and cook on medium, stirring, for
several minutes. Add tomato, ginger, garlic, turmeric, salt and tomato paste. Cook, uncovered, on slow heat, until the oil oozes from
the mixture and the potatoes are done. Keep an eye on it and give it a stir. You may have to add up to 1/2 cup water during this process to avoid sticking, but it shouldn't be
too watery. The aim is to cook it until dry, so you can enjoy it with naan or roti.

bean sak variation: you can use a similar recipe for green and yellow bean curry. Substitute beans for the cabbage, add a pinch of coriander powder
and cumin powder. You can either cook beans and potatoes a little first, or put them all together.